• 如何在 AWS 上部署 S3 和 Cloudfront
    • 概览
    • 设置它
      • 1. AWS: 设置你的 S3 bucket
      • 2. AWS: 设置你的 Cloudfront 分配
      • 3. AWS: 配置安全访问
      • 4. Laptop: 设置项目的构建脚本

    如何在 AWS 上部署 S3 和 Cloudfront

    AWS是Amazon Web Services。S3是他们的静态存储,可以配置为静态站点托管。Cloudfront是他们的CDN(内容分发网络)

    在AWS w / S3 + Cloudfront上托管静态页面的 Nuxt应用程序功能强大且价格低廉。




    • S3
      • 云数据"bucket"为我们的网站文件
      • 可以配置为托管静态网站
    • CloudFront
      • CDN(内容分发网络)
      • 提供免费的HTTPS证书
      • 使您的网站加载速度更快我们会像这样推送网站:
    1. Nuxt Generate -> Local folder -> AWS S3 Bucket -> AWS Cloudfront CDN -> Browser
    2. [ nuxt generate ] [ gulp deploy ]
    3. [ deploy.sh ]

    首先,我们将使用nuxt generate生成网站。然后,我们将使用 Gulp 将文件发布到S3存储桶并使CouldFront CDN生效。

    • gulp
    • gulp-awspublish
    • gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish
    • concurrent-transform (for parallel uploads)我们的部署脚本需要设置以下环境变量:

    • AWS_BUCKET_NAME="example.com"

    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="key"
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret"我们将有这些文件:
    1. deploy.sh - run `nuxt generate` and `gulp deploy`
    2. gulpfile.js - `gulp deploy` code to push files to S3 and invalidate CloudFront


    • 创建一个S3 bucket并将其配置为静态站点托管
    • 创建云端分发
    • 配置安全访问
    • 在项目中设置构建脚本

    1. AWS: 设置你的 S3 bucket

    2. AWS: 设置你的 Cloudfront 分配

    对于步骤1和2,请按照此步骤操作 设置S3和Cloudfront的教程


    • AWS_BUCKET_NAME="example.com"

    3. AWS: 配置安全访问


    • 更新bucket内容
    • 使云端分发生效(更快地将更改传播给用户)使用此策略创建程序化用户:

    注意:用下面的S3 bucket 名称替换2x example.com。 此策略允许推送到指定的存储桶,并使任何云端分发生效。

    1. {
    2. "Version": "2012-10-17",
    3. "Statement": [ {
    4. "Effect": "Allow",
    5. "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket" ],
    6. "Resource": [
    7. "arn:aws:s3:::example.com"
    8. ]
    9. }, {
    10. "Effect": "Allow",
    11. "Action": [
    12. "s3:PutObject",
    13. "s3:PutObjectAcl",
    14. "s3:GetObject",
    15. "s3:GetObjectAcl",
    16. "s3:DeleteObject",
    17. "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts",
    18. "s3:AbortMultipartUpload"
    19. ],
    20. "Resource": [
    21. "arn:aws:s3:::example.com/*"
    22. ]
    23. }, {
    24. "Effect": "Allow",
    25. "Action": [
    26. "cloudfront:CreateInvalidation",
    27. "cloudfront:GetInvalidation",
    28. "cloudfront:ListInvalidations",
    29. "cloudfront:UnknownOperation"
    30. ],
    31. "Resource": "*"
    32. }
    33. ]
    34. }



    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="key"
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret"

    4. Laptop: 设置项目的构建脚本

    4.1) 创建一个deploy.sh脚本。 参考 nvm (node version manager).

    1. #!/bin/bash
    2. export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="key"
    3. export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret"
    4. export AWS_BUCKET_NAME="example.com"
    6. # Load nvm (node version manager), install node (version in .nvmrc), and npm install packages
    7. [ -s "$HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh" ] && source "$HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh" && nvm use
    8. # Npm install if not already.
    9. [ ! -d "node_modules" ] && npm install
    10. npm run generate
    11. gulp deploy

    4.2) 使deploy.sh可运行,不要检查进入GIT(deploy.sh中有隐私)

    1. chmod +x deploy.sh
    2. echo "
    3. # Don't commit build files
    4. node_modules
    5. dist
    6. .nuxt
    7. .awspublish
    8. deploy.sh
    9. " >> .gitignore

    4.3) 将Gulp添加到项目和命令行

    1. npm install --save-dev gulp gulp-awspublish gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish concurrent-transform
    2. npm install -g gulp

    4.4) 使用构建脚本创建gulpfile.js

    1. var gulp = require('gulp');
    2. var awspublish = require('gulp-awspublish');
    3. var cloudfront = require('gulp-cloudfront-invalidate-aws-publish');
    4. var parallelize = require('concurrent-transform');
    5. // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-environment.html
    6. var config = {
    7. // Required
    8. params: { Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME },
    9. accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
    10. secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
    11. // Optional
    12. deleteOldVersions: false, // NOT FOR PRODUCTION
    13. distribution: process.env.AWS_CLOUDFRONT, // Cloudfront distribution ID
    14. region: process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION,
    15. headers: { /*'Cache-Control': 'max-age=315360000, no-transform, public',*/ },
    16. // Sensible Defaults - gitignore these Files and Dirs
    17. distDir: 'dist',
    18. indexRootPath: true,
    19. cacheFileName: '.awspublish',
    20. concurrentUploads: 10,
    21. wait: true, // wait for Cloudfront invalidation to complete (about 30-60 seconds)
    22. }
    23. gulp.task('deploy', function() {
    24. // create a new publisher using S3 options
    25. // http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html#constructor-property
    26. var publisher = awspublish.create(config, config);
    27. var g = gulp.src('./' + config.distDir + '/**');
    28. // publisher will add Content-Length, Content-Type and headers specified above
    29. // If not specified it will set x-amz-acl to public-read by default
    30. g = g.pipe(parallelize(publisher.publish(config.headers), config.concurrentUploads))
    31. // Invalidate CDN
    32. if (config.distribution) {
    33. console.log('Configured with Cloudfront distribution');
    34. g = g.pipe(cloudfront(config));
    35. } else {
    36. console.log('No Cloudfront distribution configured - skipping CDN invalidation');
    37. }
    38. // Delete removed files
    39. if (config.deleteOldVersions) g = g.pipe(publisher.sync());
    40. // create a cache file to speed up consecutive uploads
    41. g = g.pipe(publisher.cache());
    42. // print upload updates to console
    43. g = g.pipe(awspublish.reporter());
    44. return g;
    45. });

    4.5) 部署和调试


    1. ./deploy.sh


    1. $ ./deploy.sh
    2. Found '/home/michael/scm/example.com/www/.nvmrc' with version <8>
    3. Now using node v8.11.2 (npm v5.6.0)
    4. > example.com@1.0.0 generate /home/michael/scm/example.com/www
    5. > nuxt generate
    6. nuxt:generate Generating... +0ms
    7. nuxt:build App root: /home/michael/scm/example.com/www +0ms
    8. nuxt:build Generating /home/michael/scm/example.com/www/.nuxt files... +0ms
    9. nuxt:build Generating files... +36ms
    10. nuxt:build Generating routes... +10ms
    11. nuxt:build Building files... +24ms
    12. ████████████████████ 100%
    13. Build completed in 7.009s
    14. DONE Compiled successfully in 7013ms 21:25:22
    15. Hash: 421d017116d2d95dd1e3
    16. Version: webpack 3.12.0
    17. Time: 7013ms
    18. Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
    19. pages/index.ef923f795c1cecc9a444.js 10.6 kB 0 [emitted] pages/index
    20. layouts/default.87a49937c330bdd31953.js 2.69 kB 1 [emitted] layouts/default
    21. pages/our-values.f60c731d5c3081769fd9.js 3.03 kB 2 [emitted] pages/our-values
    22. pages/join-us.835077c4e6b55ed1bba4.js 1.3 kB 3 [emitted] pages/join-us
    23. pages/how.75f8cb5bc24e38bca3b3.js 2.59 kB 4 [emitted] pages/how
    24. app.6dbffe6ac4383bd30a92.js 202 kB 5 [emitted] app
    25. vendor.134043c361c9ad199c6d.js 6.31 kB 6 [emitted] vendor
    26. manifest.421d017116d2d95dd1e3.js 1.59 kB 7 [emitted] manifest
    27. + 3 hidden assets
    28. Hash: 9fd206f4b4e571e9571f
    29. Version: webpack 3.12.0
    30. Time: 2239ms
    31. Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
    32. server-bundle.json 306 kB [emitted]
    33. nuxt: Call generate:distRemoved hooks (1) +0ms
    34. nuxt:generate Destination folder cleaned +10s
    35. nuxt: Call generate:distCopied hooks (1) +8ms
    36. nuxt:generate Static & build files copied +7ms
    37. nuxt:render Rendering url /our-values +0ms
    38. nuxt:render Rendering url /how +67ms
    39. nuxt:render Rendering url /join-us +1ms
    40. nuxt:render Rendering url / +0ms
    41. nuxt: Call generate:page hooks (1) +913ms
    42. nuxt: Call generate:page hooks (1) +205ms
    43. nuxt: Call generate:page hooks (1) +329ms
    44. nuxt: Call generate:page hooks (1) +361ms
    45. nuxt:generate Generate file: /our-values/index.html +2s
    46. nuxt:generate Generate file: /how/index.html +0ms
    47. nuxt:generate Generate file: /join-us/index.html +0ms
    48. nuxt:generate Generate file: /index.html +0ms
    49. nuxt:render Rendering url / +2s
    50. nuxt: Call generate:done hooks (1) +4ms
    51. nuxt:generate HTML Files generated in 11.8s +5ms
    52. nuxt:generate Generate done +0ms
    53. [21:25:27] Using gulpfile ~/scm/example.com/www/gulpfile.js
    54. [21:25:27] Starting 'deploy'...
    55. Configured with Cloudfront distribution
    56. [21:25:27] [cache] README.md
    57. [21:25:27] [cache] android-chrome-192x192.png
    58. [21:25:27] [cache] android-chrome-512x512.png
    59. [21:25:27] [cache] apple-touch-icon.png
    60. [21:25:27] [cache] browserconfig.xml
    61. [21:25:27] [cache] favicon-16x16.png
    62. [21:25:27] [cache] favicon-32x32.png
    63. [21:25:27] [cache] favicon.ico
    64. [21:25:27] [cache] favicon.svg
    65. [21:25:27] [cache] logo-branches.svg
    66. [21:25:27] [cache] logo-small.svg
    67. [21:25:27] [cache] logo.svg
    68. [21:25:27] [cache] mstile-150x150.png
    69. [21:25:27] [cache] og-image.jpg
    70. [21:25:27] [cache] safari-pinned-tab.svg
    71. [21:25:27] [cache] site.webmanifest
    72. [21:25:28] [create] _nuxt/manifest.421d017116d2d95dd1e3.js
    73. [21:25:29] [update] 200.html
    74. [21:25:30] [create] videos/flag.jpg
    75. [21:25:30] [create] _nuxt/vendor.134043c361c9ad199c6d.js
    76. [21:25:34] [create] videos/flag.mp4
    77. [21:25:34] [cache] _nuxt/pages/how.75f8cb5bc24e38bca3b3.js
    78. [21:25:34] [cache] _nuxt/pages/join-us.835077c4e6b55ed1bba4.js
    79. [21:25:34] [cache] _nuxt/pages/our-values.f60c731d5c3081769fd9.js
    80. [21:25:36] [update] our-values/index.html
    81. [21:25:36] [create] _nuxt/layouts/default.87a49937c330bdd31953.js
    82. [21:25:36] [create] _nuxt/app.6dbffe6ac4383bd30a92.js
    83. [21:25:37] [create] _nuxt/pages/index.ef923f795c1cecc9a444.js
    84. [21:25:38] [update] join-us/index.html
    85. [21:25:38] [update] how/index.html
    86. [21:25:43] [create] videos/flag.webm
    87. [21:25:43] [update] index.html
    88. [21:25:43] Cloudfront invalidation created: I16NXXXXX4JDOA
    89. [21:26:09] Finished 'deploy' after 42 s

    请注意,创建的Cloudfront invalidation created: XXXX是来自cloudfront invalidation npm包的唯一输出。 如果你没有看到,它就不起作用了。