• 1. ETCD资源类型
  • 2. 权限资源
  • 3. ETCD访问控制
    • 3.1. 访问控制相关命令
    • 3.2. user相关命令
    • 3.2.1. 添加root用户并设置密码
    • 3.2.2. 添加非root用户并设置密码
    • 3.2.3. 查看当前所有用户
    • 3.2.4. 将用户添加到对应角色
    • 3.2.5. 查看用户拥有哪些角色
    • 3.3. role相关命令
    • 3.3.1. 添加角色
    • 3.3.2. 查看所有角色
    • 3.3.3. 给角色分配权限
    • 3.3.4. 查看角色所拥有的权限
    • 3.4. auth相关操作
    • 3.4.1. 开启认证
  • 4. 访问控制设置步骤
  • 5. 访问认证的API调用

    1. ETCD资源类型

    There are three types of resources in etcd

    • permission resources: users and roles in the user store
    • key-value resources: key-value pairs in the key-value store
    • settings resources: security settings, auth settings, and dynamic etcd cluster settings (election/heartbeat)

    2. 权限资源



    注意:如果没有指定任何验证方式,即没显示指定以什么用户进行访问,那么默认会设定为 guest 角色。默认情况下 guest 也是具有全局访问权限的。如果不希望未授权就获取或修改etcd的数据,则可收回guest角色的权限或删除该角色,etcdctl role revoke 。


    3. ETCD访问控制

    3.1. 访问控制相关命令

    1. NAME:
    2. etcdctl - A simple command line client for etcd.
    3. USAGE:
    4. etcdctl [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
    5. VERSION:
    6. 2.2.0
    7. COMMANDS:
    8. user user add, grant and revoke subcommands
    9. role role add, grant and revoke subcommands
    10. auth overall auth controls
    12. --peers, -C a comma-delimited list of machine addresses in the cluster (default: ",")
    13. --endpoint a comma-delimited list of machine addresses in the cluster (default: ",")
    14. --cert-file identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file
    15. --key-file identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file
    16. --ca-file verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle
    17. --username, -u provide username[:password] and prompt if password is not supplied.
    18. --timeout '1s' connection timeout per request

    3.2. user相关命令

    1. [root@localhost etcd]# etcdctl user --help
    2. NAME:
    3. etcdctl user - user add, grant and revoke subcommands
    4. USAGE:
    5. etcdctl user command [command options] [arguments...]
    6. COMMANDS:
    7. add add a new user for the etcd cluster
    8. get get details for a user
    9. list list all current users
    10. remove remove a user for the etcd cluster
    11. grant grant roles to an etcd user
    12. revoke revoke roles for an etcd user
    13. passwd change password for a user
    14. help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    15. OPTIONS:
    16. --help, -h show help

    3.2.1. 添加root用户并设置密码

    etcdctl —endpoints user add root

    3.2.2. 添加非root用户并设置密码

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 user add huwh

    3.2.3. 查看当前所有用户

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 user list

    3.2.4. 将用户添加到对应角色

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 user grant —roles test1 phpor

    3.2.5. 查看用户拥有哪些角色

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 user get phpor

    3.3. role相关命令

    1. [root@localhost etcd]# etcdctl role --help
    2. NAME:
    3. etcdctl role - role add, grant and revoke subcommands
    4. USAGE:
    5. etcdctl role command [command options] [arguments...]
    6. COMMANDS:
    7. add add a new role for the etcd cluster
    8. get get details for a role
    9. list list all roles
    10. remove remove a role from the etcd cluster
    11. grant grant path matches to an etcd role
    12. revoke revoke path matches for an etcd role
    13. help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    14. OPTIONS:
    15. --help, -h show help

    3.3.1. 添加角色

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:2379 role add test1

    3.3.2. 查看所有角色

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 role list

    3.3.3. 给角色分配权限

    1. [root@localhost etcd]# etcdctl role grant --help
    2. NAME:
    3. grant - grant path matches to an etcd role
    4. USAGE:
    5. command grant [command options] [arguments...]
    6. OPTIONS:
    7. --path Path granted for the role to access
    8. --read Grant read-only access
    9. --write Grant write-only access
    10. --readwrite Grant read-write access

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 role grant —readwrite —path /test1 test1

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:123 role grant —readwrite —path /test1/* test1

    3.3.4. 查看角色所拥有的权限

    etcdctl —endpoints —username root:2379 role get test1

    3.4. auth相关操作

    1. [root@localhost etcd]# etcdctl auth --help
    2. NAME:
    3. etcdctl auth - overall auth controls
    4. USAGE:
    5. etcdctl auth command [command options] [arguments...]
    6. COMMANDS:
    7. enable enable auth access controls
    8. disable disable auth access controls
    9. help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    10. OPTIONS:
    11. --help, -h show help

    3.4.1. 开启认证

    etcdctl —endpoints auth enable

    4. 访问控制设置步骤

    顺序 步骤 命令
    1 添加root用户 etcdctl —endpoints http://: user add root
    2 开启认证 etcdctl —endpoints http://: auth enable
    3 添加非root用户 etcdctl —endpoints http://: –username root: user add
    4 添加角色 etcdctl —endpoints http://: –username root: role add
    5 给角色授权(只读、只写、可读写) etcdctl —endpoints http://: –username root: role grant —readwrite —path
    6 给用户分配角色(即分配了角色对应的权限) etcdctl —endpoints http://: –username root: user grant —roles

    5. 访问认证的API调用


    • https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/v2/auth_api.html

    • https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/v2/authentication.html